October 6, 2024

Simple and Ingenious Idea Helps Save Earth

Science & Technology The Journal 2024

Simple and Ingenious Idea Helps Save Earth

By: Henry Chen

Installing solar panels has always been a tough thing, but Germans have conjured up a creative and easy new way. People simply put the solar panels on their balconies, and they supply electricity to their homes. With solar panel laws loosening for German citizens, they are suddenly starting to use these solar panels more.

Traditional solar panels cost a lot, and the installation fee is quite unaffordable, considering the number of years it requires to get the money back to a gain, along with all sorts of maintenance and cleaning fees. Now, solar panels that are easy to clean, fix, and install allow for greatly affordable clean energy, creating a much better world. Germany has also greatly laxed the amount of paperwork and requirements needed to use solar panels. As stated by reporter Melissa Eddy in the New York Times (NYT), “More than 500,000 of the systems have already been set up across Germany, and new laws that relaxed rules around solar panel installation have contributed to a boom in use.” This expansion shows how more people are willing to buy and use solar panels, a great investment in the ecosystem. The German government has also created laws to “prevent landlords and co-op boards from blocking solar panel installations,” Eddy conveyed. With less intermediation from other people, solar power has become more accessible than ever before due to low prices, low requirements, and no intervention from a person higher in stature than the person who wants solar panels.

Now, with newer inventions and better ideas, the feat of combating climate change has lowered from almost impossible without major changes to very much possible if a vast majority cooperates. With a half reward system in an easy process, people can get hooked easily on and take part in saving the world. So, anybody who uses electricity should get one of these convenient solar panels to make this world even better.

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