October 6, 2024

Double Standards in Our Society

Arts & Culture The Journal 2024

Double Standards in Our Society

By: Sophia Wang

Double standard occurs when individuals or groups are treated differently, when they should be treated the same way.

Do double standards still exist in our society today? Some may argue that double standards are history that have long been eliminated from our community. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was eventually approved on August 18, 1920, enfranchising all American women and stating for the first time that they, like men, are entitled to all citizenship rights and obligations.

However, we can also look at examples that suggests otherwise in our lives. Take, for instance, the realm of leadership. An assertive man is often praised as a strong, decisive leader. On the contrary, when a woman exhibits the same assertiveness, she’s likely to be labeled as ‘bossy’ or ‘imposing’. This gender-based double standard not only hampers the progress towards greater gender equality, but also discourages many capable women from stepping into leadership roles.

Another example to consider is the paradoxical standards connected to age. Young people are expected to be mature and responsible, yet their opinions are often dismissed without consideration due to their ‘lack of experience’. Then, older people are expected to be wise and composed, yet are frequently ignored in discussions of innovation due to outdated perceptions of their ‘inability to adapt’.

How do we avoid societal double standards that are deeply ingrained in our minds?
Preventing oneself from applying double standards requires constant vigilance and justification for any differential treatment administered to similar situations or individuals.

This is seemly straightforward, but is actually quietly challenging, particularly when the double standards are applied to a single thing. For example, you might find yourself punishing someone heavily for an error because of a personal grudge. If no one else has been punished for a similar crime, it could be tough to realize that your reaction is too severe. Hence, it’s essential to constantly evaluate our judgements and decisions.

The equality and fairness we fought for would all be a waste if people continue to keep their same and biased mindset as before. People have to constantly evaluate their actions and avoid imposing these double standards on others.

Image Credit by Cameron Casey

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