October 6, 2024


Creative Writing The Journal 2024


By: Emma Xing

I walked through the empty halls alone. No one was left. I looked around at the destroyed school. The classroom walls were cracked. Chairs and desks were flipped over. Posters around the walls of the schools were ripped. The windows were shattered and the lights flickered on and off.

The door of the school disappeared, and instead of the normal drywall, it was a steel wall that surrounded the school. I could hear the growling sound of the aliens, who had already taken everybody else.
I closed my eyes as I hid behind a desk. Just a few hours ago, everything was completely normal. I thought back to the beginning of this horrid day. I was in class, listening to our teacher and taking notes. It was going to be another uneventful boring day at school.

But then, as I was eating lunch and talking to my friends, they came. I remember everything very distinctly. I was eating my sandwich while my friends were trading their snacks.

But suddenly, the lights turned off. No one was worried yet, since it could be just a power outage or some small kids playing with the light switch. However, the lights stayed off for about five minutes. Silence fell over everyone in the cafeteria.

Then, the lights turned on again. Many students had disappeared as everyone adjusted their eyes to the light. Two of my friends had, too. There were blood stains on the places they sat.

We also noticed the walls of the cafeteria were now steel. I started to panic, as well as the students that remained.

“This is your principal speaking. Students, please do not panic! This is not a prank! It seems extraterrestrial creatures have broken into our school! Everyone needs to evacuate immediately before anyone else is taken! Exit through the—,” the PA system abruptly stopped.

Some students laughed, thinking this was just a silly prank the teachers made. Others began to make their way out of the cafeteria and I joined them. And before I knew it, chaos began. Four creatures blocked the exit.

They had oddly shaped heads with six eyes that were glowing red. They each had five arms and seven legs that had dangerously sharp claws. Then, they opened their mouths, revealing rows and rows of huge and pointy teeth.

The students that were closest to them weren’t so lucky. Everyone screamed as the aliens picked those students up and stuffed them in their mouths. The doors of the school were gone. People tried to get away as much as possible, but they eventually got captured. I was the luckiest one and the only one still uneaten…but not for long.

I would be a goner soon, for I was trapped.

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