September 26, 2024

Foot Planet Chronicles: Marco Footo and a Concussion

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Foot Planet Chronicles: Marco Footo and a Concussion

By: Brady Cheng

Rob decided to go to the local swimming pool. He hopped in his new AutoFoot Taxi, a taxi that was driven by robots, and he went to the swimming pool. Then, he ran into the changing room and put on his new pair of Feeteods brand Swimming trunks.

He waded into the pool and it was average temperature, so he jumped in. He made a very big splash, and other feet started to complain. He apologized, and then started to float on his back for a while.

“Hey Rob!” a voice said.

Rob looked behind him and saw one of his classmates, a foot named William. William jumped into the pool with Rob, and they decided to play Marco Footo. Marco Footo is a game where “Marco” closes his eyes, calls out Marco, and tries to tag someone. The other players respond by saying Footo, and “Marco has to try to find that person by where their voice is coming from.

“Well, who are we going to play with?” William questions.

Right when he said that, a bunch of Rob’s classmates walked onto the pool deck. They all agreed to play Marco Footo, and Rob was “Marco”. He swam around, and called, “Marco!” Everyone else called, “Footo!”

Rob heard that Stanley was right behind him, so he dove, and heard Stanley swimming away quickly. Rob put on some extra speed and swam as fast as he could. Suddenly, his head connected with the pool wall, and his vision turned black and he saw stars. Everyone rushed up to him and asked if he was okay.

There was a nasty bump on his head, so William called the ambulance. Then Rob blacked out.

When he woke up, he was surrounded by nurses, who gave him a lot of deodorant to eat. He felt better, and thanked the nurses. He felt on the top that the bump was gone after the nurses had treated it.

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