September 20, 2024

A Day in the Life of Baxter the Dog 

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

A Day in the Life of Baxter the Dog 

By: Abigail Wu-Falcone

I woke up to the familiar sound of the alarm clock blaring its irritating noise. I stretched out my legs and yawned, my snout twitching as I caught a whiff of breakfast in the air. As the sun’s first rays peeked through the curtains, I trotted into the kitchen, my tail wagging in anticipation.

“Good morning, Baxter!” said Mom, bending down to scratch behind my ears. I nuzzled her hand and wagged my tail harder. She’s the best. When she’s around, I feel safe and loved.

Dad stumbled in a few minutes later, grumbling about needing more sleep. Humans are so strange; they always seem to want more sleep, but they get up right when the noise machine starts. I don’t get it. My morning routine is so much simpler: eat, sniff around, maybe chase my tail a bit, and then nap. It’s a perfectly good system.

After breakfast, Mom grabbed her strange-looking shoes and headed for the door with her big bag. That means she’s off to do whatever humans do out there. I watched her go, my ears drooping a bit. I don’t really like it when she leaves, but she always comes back. So I just lie by the door, waiting for her to return.

In the meantime, I checked out the backyard. There was the usual excitement of looking through the same old bushes for any new, mysterious smells. I could smell a squirrel from yesterday, but it was long gone. I barked at the empty tree anyway. Maybe the squirrel will hear me and come back to play.

My favorite part of the day is when Dad took me for a walk. He grabs the leash and I practically do a happy dance. Outside, the world is a never-ending parade of fascinating scents and sights. There’s the old lady who always gives me a scratch on the head and the kids who wave and laugh when I chase after my favorite ball. I tried to catch a butterfly once, but it just fluttered away. I don’t understand how something that small can be so fast!

After our walk, it was nap time. I curled up in my favorite spot on the couch. I could hear Dad watching the big glowing box in the corner of the room. Sometimes, I try to figure out what’s so interesting about that box. It’s always making noises and showing moving pictures, but I’ve never figured out the appeal. I prefer the comfort of the couch and the sound of Dad’s voice.

Later, when the sun began to set, Mom and Dad gathered in the kitchen. There was the usual clattering of pots and pans, followed by that wonderful smell of dinner. I sat patiently, watching them from my spot, hoping they’d drop something tasty. I’m always extra good at these times, as if my good behavior will make the treats come faster.

After dinner, Mom gave me a nice belly rub and I rolled over, soaking in the affection. As the evening wound down, we all settled in the living room. Mom read her book while Dad flipped through that glowing box again. I rested my head on Mom’s feet, feeling comfy.

When bedtime came, I curled up on my doggy bed with my favorite squeaky toy clutched in my paws. I sighed, thinking about how lucky I am to have such a great family and a comfy home. The humans are always doing strange things, but I know they love me. And that’s all that really matters.

As I drifted off to sleep, I dreamt of chasing squirrels and butterflies, and of endless walks and belly rubs. Life as Baxter the Beagle is amazing, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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