September 20, 2024

Pet Diaries

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Pet Diaries

By: Ruoyi Yuan

I just woke up in Lily’s arms. I love Lily, my owner. She takes care of me, and we do fun things together! I love chasing stray cats outside even if Lily gets mad. I’ve known Lily since, well, forever! Anyways after I licked her face when she woke up, we went to get ready together. She dressed me up in a fancy suit, and she was in some fancy clothes, too.

Lily fed me some bacon! Yum! Then she ate this flat brown thing which she called “bread.” Human food is so weird! After breakfast she took me outside for a glorious walk. I met a poodle, and we became friends, but Lily did not look happy and frowned with the other owner. In fact, I heard Lily call her Andrea. Well, maybe Lily and Andrea do not get along, but I don’t care. Finally, the last thing I did in the park was learn a new trick. This one is called “shake.” It’s where I lift my paw, and Lily grabs it. Then I move it up and down super hard. She says. “This movement is shake.” After that, to top it off, I got to play fetch with her, and then we got to walk home.

Oh no! Save me! The dreaded vacuum cleaner is coming. That monster is a puppy’s worst nightmare. I saw it suck up all the things on the ground! What if I’m next? I need to protect the Lily! I pounce on the monster and swipe at a little button sticking out. The monster stops moving, and I push it under the table. But Lily puts it against the wall. She just laughs and scratches my belly like there was not a monster that was just about to attack her.

After that workout, I watched some funny dog videos with Lily, slept through lunch, and then, she put me in a big building called “car.” There are windows that can open, and music that I can hear. There’s even free wind coming through these random fancy holes in the car. Lily calls those “AC.” We pulled up at a square building and a window on the side opened.

A tall lady peeked through and said, “Hi, what can I get for your order? “

Lily said, “Curly fries, churro bites, and one spicy deluxe sandwich.”

The woman said, “That will be $20.99.”

Lily pulled out a flat rectangle, and the woman swiped it on some sort of device. Then, we drove off home. Lily shared the sandwich and fries with me and said, “That’s your dinner.” I guess I slept through lunch. Then she took off my clothes, gave me a warm bath and we snuggled up listening to meditating music.

Good night! I hope that every day will be like this one.

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