October 7, 2024


Creative Writing


By: Zoe Hu

The branch shook even more as I wrapped one of my hind legs around it. “This is it!!! I’m actually gonna die this time!!!” my mind screeched at me. Cautiously I got another paw onto the branch and heaved myself up, until I was sitting on it.

I jumped to another ledge and realized that I was finally on the top of the canyon.

Blinking, I saw that in front of me was a road that was mostly empty, with a small town behind it. It was an odd town. It seemed so empty. And it smelled like death. I carefully scanned the small town, realizing that this place seemed to have no water, no people, and no buildings that were mostly intact.

Glancing sideways, I quickly ran across the road, barely avoiding the few cars that were on it.

Picking up my pace a little, I ran into a small alleyway that had some bowls, which were filled with food and water.

I happily ate the food in two mouthfuls, and chugged half of the water down.

Then just as I raised my head, an ominous growling came from the back of the alley.

Then a huge black dog bounded out of the shadows and glared at me. “That’s my food you’re eating,” he growled again.

“Can I please just have one more bite? I’m starving and I haven’t eaten in days!” I glanced at the huge dog and backed away slowly.

He glared at me and growled. “Get out of here. Now.”

“But can I just have one more bite? Then I’ll leave and you’ll never see me again!” The other dog glared at me and then he sprang. Shrieking, I ran for my life. Definitely should have left the first time.

“Why does everything have to end up with me running for dear life?!” I glanced an alleyway out of the side of my eyes and turned around and almost flew into it. I was too busy running and before I could even think, I slammed painfully into a brick wall.

Wheeling around, I watch as the other dog slowly advances on me. But just as he springs into the air to bite me, a black and blue blur appears out of nowhere and smashes into him.

The new dog snaps its jaws around the big dog, and clings on. Eventually the dog lets go and shouts “Scram! This is my alley so get out!” Just as I turned to leave, she casually planted her paw on my tail.

“Not you. You’re staying,” she said, sitting down.

“Listen, please just let me go, and I’ll be on my way.” I nervously glanced at the dog. She was an Australian shepherd, like me. She was blue black and tan, with black markings all over her.

I felt like I should recognize her, but I just couldn’t. The dog was staring at me, her sharp eyes watching my every move.

Then, I caught sight of the three scars on her front leg. And that’s when I realized who this dog was.

She was my sister.

(I haven’t got a drawing of Blue (Her sister’s name) yet, but the picture is pretty much what she looks likes)

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