October 6, 2024

Cloud-9: One Down, but How Many More?

Creative Writing

Cloud-9: One Down, but How Many More?

By: Felicia Chen

Bright rays from the sun reflected off the shimmering egg as it floated in the air. Ouranos and Anahita cautiously but curiously came closer to the object and inspected it sedulously. Anahita advanced towards the object—with the help of water to push her higher up into the air —and stroked the outer shell. She attempted to look for anything fishy about it, but before she could examine it any longer, it began to shake.

It vigorously shook as cracks formed in all directions on the shell with beams of light radiating out. The chipped eggshell dissipated into minuscule particles in the air. What was left was a figure, still in its curled-up position. Anahita went closer and tapped its head. The figure lifted its head, eyes still closed, and extended its arms and legs to stretch.

The ocean began to tremble as brown solids erupted from beneath the water’s surface. The mysterious figure’s fingertips moved little by little as its feet touched the nut-brown earth that had appeared. Finally, its eyes fluttered open, and it saw the sisters. Stoned-faced until the figure squeezed his eyes and wrinkled his nose, he said, “Gosh, my back! Why do my arms and legs feel so weird?”

He lifted his head and made eye contact with the two people in front of him. “Whoa, dude! What is going on? Why are you people looking at me with that expression? Wait, who even are you people?”

“Well, we could ask you the same thing, but we’ll go first,” said Anahita. “I am Anahita, Ruler of Water, and this here is my—I mean our—assuming you are a Ruler like us—sister Ouranos, Ruler of Air. And what is your name?”

“I get it! So you guys are the other Rulers Mother told me about,” the figure said as he scanned his eyes up and down, looking at his sisters. “Well, I am Ajax, and according to our Mother, I am the Ruler of Earth.”

He started fluffing his hair out and stood tall. His dark, chocolate eyes stared into Anahita’s blue, crystal eyes and into Ouranos’s milky, grey ones, and saw something there. “So that is what Mother looks like. Great. You guys are just as clueless as I am.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! How— what did you do? Your eyes turned into a whole bunch of colors. I could’ve sworn they were brown just a minute ago.” cried Ouranos.

“Oh, I just looked into your eyes, dude. My eyes go all rainbow when anything with eyes looks at me. And you guys have eyes, right? And according to Mother, I can basically see what you saw in the past but, whoa, dude, I can’t hear anything. It’s just pictures flashing by. What a trip, man,” replied Ajax.

There was moment of silence between the sisters; then the two looked at Ajax with admiration.

“Would you two stop giving me those weird looks? It’s making me feel like I’m crazy. But wait, dude, are you telling me you guys didn’t know we have superpowers?”

“No! Mother never mentioned anything,” Anahita gasped.

“Isn’t that supposed to be a part of our mission, Anahita, like Mother told us?” Ouranos reminded her sister.

Anahita’s mind was working like gears in a clock. She recollected how she was able to push herself higher than the water’s surface with the water’s help. “I think you do have a point, Ouranos. I felt more powerful the moment I found Ajax’s egg. Do you think this means we’re supposed to find even more eggs with Rulers inside? Maybe having more Rulers will help us discover balance on this planet! Don’t you think so?”

“I don’t know, but what I do know is— it’s time for an adventure!” Ouranos said, grinning excitedly. “Let’s go! Let’s go find the others!”

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