October 7, 2024

The Painting

Creative Writing

The Painting

By: Sophia Wang

The girl woke up in a field of flowers. Confused, she stood up and looked at her surroundings. Turning around, she noticed a little cottage. She tried to remember how she got there, but her mind was blank. It was like she just appeared out of nowhere.

“Maybe if I keep running a certain direction,” she thought, “I’ll eventually reach the end of the field and I can figure out where I am.”

She set off running east, but after a while, she realized that she was getting nowhere. It seemed like an endless field. However, she kept going, and after about one more hour, she bumped into something that repelled her back into the field.

“Ow.” She mumbled as she landed on the ground. She tried a few more times but kept being repelled back to the ground. It seemed as though a forcefield was blocking her from leaving the field. She noticed that if she looked close enough, there was a barrier that looked very faintly shimmery. Sighing, she started the long walk back to the cottage.

When she got back, she decided to go inside. She found some bread and jam so she sat on a chair and sadly ate her meal. While she was eating, she heard a voice come out of nowhere.

“Alright paintings, get back to your positions. The museum’s opening in five minutes.”

The girl walked out of the cottage cautiously. She noticed that instead of the forcefield in the far distance, there was a room full of paintings.

She walked closer and saw a man checking all the paintings. She tried to walk to the man and ask him where she was. But as she walked closer to the art gallery, she discovered that the forcefield was still there, but it was fully invisible.

“Get back in your position.” She jumped as she heard the voice again. She looked out into the art gallery and realized that the man was talking to her.

“I don’t really understand what you mean.” The girl answered, “What positions?”

“Right.” The man responded, “You’re the new painting.” He wrote something on his clipboard and turned back to me. “When you got here, where were you sitting and was your pose? Get back in it before the museum guests realize that the paintings can move.”

“But-” the girl started.

The man already started walking away.

“Don’t worry honey,” She heard another voice, “You’ll get used to it. I’ve been here for years.”

“Who are you?” The girl asked.

“The portrait next door.” The voice answered, “Get comfortable, you won’t be able to move until twelve, when we break for lunch. the museum closes at five-thirty.”

As the day passed, the girl saw many people pass by her painting. She eventually found out that the name of her painting was called “Christina’s World.” it was painted by someone called Andrew Wyeth.

“Is my name Christina then?” She asked the portrait next door once the museum closed.

“Yep,” The portrait next door answered. “How was your first day?”

“Boring” Christina replied, “Can any of the other paintings talk?”

“Sure we can” another voice answered, “Welcome to the Museum of Modern Art”

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