October 7, 2024

A Bad Day at Work

Creative Writing

A Bad Day at Work

By: Henry Wang

My first day of work was one of my most horrific days,

My colleagues said we had to clean the airways,

The airways stunk and it was so thin,

I was the only one who could fit in.

The airway smelled like a garbage dump,

The side of the walls had many bumps,

The tunnel was so dark that I couldn’t see,

And halfway through my journey, I got a cramp in my knee.

I met a nice mouse and named him Peg,

But Peg got scared and bit me in the leg,

The bite was very small, but I was crying in pain,

When I get out of here, I have a few things I’d like to complain about.

I twisted and turned my way through the route,

Only to find out that they wouldn’t let me out,

I kicked, smash, punched, and started to shout,

But no matter what they wouldn’t let me out.

I had to lie there until it was late,

I was starting to accept my fate,

The janitor saw me in the place I dwell,

So, he let me out of my cell.

Hopefully, my boss got them fired,

Because after this I’m going to be retired.

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