October 7, 2024

A Small World

Creative Writing

A Small World

By: Justin Shen

He woke up not knowing where he was and very confused. He looked around and saw many green leaves below him, it seemed like he was in a forest. But the forest was tiny. All the trees only went up to his ankles. Now even more confused, he did the only thing he could do. He started to explore.

He was trying to be careful walking around the forest, but still was knocking over trees as he went. He could hear a loud crunch with each step. He continued to walk and felt that he was very lost, not knowing where he was going or when he would stop.

As he walked, his stomach started hurting because of hunger. His throat became dry in need of water. Suddenly he saw smoke arise from the trees not so far from him.

He started walking toward the smoke and saw that there were many tiny houses that formed a village. He saw that the smoke was coming from one of the houses. He also saw that there were tiny people walking around the village. He caught the aroma of cookies from the house that was closest to him. His stomach rumbled.

He couldn’t bear the hunger or thirst anymore, so he bent down to the tiny house and knocked on the door, being careful not to break it.

After a while, a small man came out from his house and saw him. The small man looked at him, amazed at his size. His stomach then growled again, so loud the small man almost fell over, but the small man knew exactly what to do.

The small man went back into his house and after a few minutes he brought out cookies and milk. To the boy’s amazement, the milk and cookies weren’t small, but were regular-sized! The small man offered the cookies, which were larger than himself, to him. The boy took the cookie and the milk and thanked the tiny man.

The boy found a big rock that he sat on. He was about to eat a cookie when he heard a ringing sound.

He didn’t know where the sound was coming from. He pinched himself and suddenly woke up. He came to his senses and remembered that he was in his six grade English class, and the bell had just rung signaling the end of class. It seemed that he fell asleep during class. It was all a dream.

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