October 8, 2024

Trump Still Has a Chance of Winning the November 2024 Election Despite Being Indicted


Trump Still Has a Chance of Winning the November 2024 Election Despite Being Indicted

By: Yiran Liu

Have you ever thought about how our country would be perceived if a former president kept access to its top-secret information? Former U.S. President, Donald Trump, has been facing criminal charges because of mishandled government documents. These documents are very dangerous because they contain information about topics relating to national security and nuclear weapons. Therefore, incorrect handling may put the country at risk.

Trump is accused of taking hundreds of government-related documents to his house in Florida. These documents were related to nuclear information as well as defense and it is possible that the military, citizens and the United States intelligence would all be put at risk.

Lawyers say that Trump is trying to keep the documents away from the officials that try to take them back. An expert in U.S. politics, Paul Quirk, says that Trump’s charges are very serious. He said that if the important information on nuclear weapons was spread, Americans would be in danger.

The evidence against Trump is strong. Trump’s trial would most likely be held in early 2024. Some of these charges have sentences of up to 20 years in prison. Darren Mulloy, a professor at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario said that now the evidence against Trump could lead to a strong conviction. Despite Trump’s cases, he still has numerous followers and remains popular. It is said he will run for president again.

Even if found guilty, Trump could still become president. “There is nothing in the constitution that prevents someone convicted with these charges from becoming president,” Mulloy said. Mulloy thinks that Trump could give himself a full pardon for guilt, with the pardoning power for presidents. This is very unpredictable because of how a future to-be president may be in a prison cell while running a country.

Despite being convicted, Trump may stand a chance to win the election. It is unknown how the government may run with a president in prison.

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