October 9, 2024

Trump, Still Able To Run For President While Charged


Trump, Still Able To Run For President While Charged

By: Jenna Zhang

Despite facing criminal charges, Trump still intends to run for president next year. According to the article “President-prisoner? Trump could still be elected if convicted, say experts,” most of Trump’s supporters aren’t deterred by the charges. Trump could be on trial at the same time as his campaign for president.

Trump is charged with illegally storing classified documents in his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago. Lawyers say that if the information was leaked, certain spies and soldiers working for the U.S. government would be endangered. A potential leak would also harm the way the US collects information on other countries.

So, what allows Trump to run for president while facing charges? According to the article “Why This Indictment Can’t Stop Donald Trump From Being Elected President,” “Under the constitution, all natural born citizens who are at least 35 years old and have been a resident of the U.S. for 14 years can run for president.” There isn’t any law stopping Trump from running for president next year.

Trump isn’t the first person to run for president despite being charged. According to the article “Why This Indictment Can’t Stop Donald Trump From Being Elected President,” Eugene Debs ran for president while in prison in Atlanta. Lyndon LaRouche ran for president while being convicted of tax and mail fraud. Although both were unsuccessful, that doesn’t mean Trump won’t succeed.

Sources: https://eb18600f7bb2916037f5ee8e636ce199.cdn.bubble.io/f1687115706260x331876651701332300/President-prisoner_%20Trump%20could%20still%20be%20elected%20if%20convicted%2C%20say%20experts%20_%20Article%20_%20Kids%20News.pdf


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