October 6, 2024

The Darker Side of Remi Bader’s Horse Ranch Incident


The Darker Side of Remi Bader’s Horse Ranch Incident

By: April Sheng

Recently, Remi Bader, a TikTok influencer, was fat-shamed. At a ranch, she was denied access to riding a horse due to her weight, over 240 pounds. She was even “laughed at” by an employee who worked at the ranch. Not only that, a worker posted a TikTok video stating “when you’re not a fat b—-, you can ride at Deep Hollow Ranch. This repugnant incident was shared among the media.

Many overweight Americans suffer such disgusting instances of shaming and mockery, experiences that only make their weight struggles harder. Obesity is increasingly common in the US. Those who are classified as obese are aware of their bodies and most certainly do not need to be reminded of their weight. The only person who should comment on an obese person’s body is their physician, so the two of them can work together to address any issues. Strangers who think they are being helpful by reminding people of their obesity are completely deluded. They are not helping but simply worsening matters. Negative comments have an equally negative effect on obese people’s health. It leads them to depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and eating disorders.

Though the guidelines on the ranch may be reasonable, it is still no excuse to fat shame people. A study by Ohio State University’s Agricultural Technical Institute shows that horses can’t comfortably bear more than 20% of their weight. Bader has noted that she’s ridden horses in the past and she’d never intended to hurt the horses. Being refused the chance to ride one wasn’t the reason she publicized her experience. “I get it, some places have weight requirements.” She instead explained that she shared what happened because of the way that she was mocked and the way she was treated overall, as well as the employee at the ranch who posted the video “who made very clear that they did not want me there because of my weight and that’s very disappointing.” Later, Deep Hollow Ranch issued an apology and informed that the employee’s video, since deleted, “in no way represents nor is aligned with” the belief of the owners of the ranch.

Instead of reminding people of their obesity and making fun of them, the global obesity epidemic needs a kind and understanding approach instead.

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