October 6, 2024

Odesa Opera House Improvement


Odesa Opera House Improvement

By: Natalie Wu

If you’ve been watching the news, you’ve probably heard about the crisis current crisis in Ukraine . Despite the struggles that the people of Ukraine have gone through, they still manage to maintain a positive and upbeat energy surging throughout the world. After 115 days of silence and suffering, the military gave the Odesa Opera House permission to perform again. This was a major change to the fearful aura that filled the atmosphere.

Throughout all the pain, fright, and panic, the first performance ever since the war began brought a smile to many people’s faces. The memories and the short moment to just forget about the chaos in the outside world, and to engage in a Romeo and Juliet play, made many people just a little bit happier. Marina Najmytenko, the soprano that played Juliet, said, “it is art that is going to help us survive and to preserve our essence so that we win this war.” As an actress in the play, she also gives insight on what it was like before the play was put on. She explains on how the play has changed her mood, and how it’s still a big impact on society. “It makes us depressed just how crazy Putin seems to be. It is Shakespeare, it is youth, and it is pure love.”

Since the start of the war, it has been a struggle for people in Ukraine, but they’re able to keep their hopes up and feelings positive through art. Although security has been tighter and the limitation on the amount of people allowed into the Opera house has changed, people don’t mind because those couple of hours, can change everything.

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