July 7, 2024

Gaijin Might Be Listening to Their Playerbase.

Science & Technology

Gaijin Might Be Listening to Their Playerbase.

By: Aaron Zeng

Recently Gaijin announced a lot of good changes to their game, War Thunder. After the tremendous struggle the players went through to get Gaijin to listen, Gaijin has finally decided to hear out their playerbase. Whether it is adding improvements to Silver Lions, (Main In-Game Currency) or changes to pay for products in the game, they have definitely started improving War Thunder.

A change that War Thunder has started to make is to Silver Lions. They have made it so that repair costs after battles are much cheaper, and you are able to earn them much more frequently and in bigger numbers. This is a very huge win for the players base, since it means they don’t have to worry about not having enough Silver Lions to be able to still play the game.

Another change is to premium accounts. Where before, it was one of the best ways to spend money on the game, now it is undoubtedly even better. Now with premium accounts, there are almost double the mechanics as before. For example, users with premium accounts can’t get a negative SL balance after a game. Meaning even if you die straight away without doing anything, you wont get negative SL, instead you won’t gain or lose any, as before you would lose maybe 10 thousand. This is a win-win situation because more people will buy premium accounts because it is good for them and gives them neat mechanics, and Gaijin receives more revenue and makes money.

Many people are happy about these improvements: Seek (19.2k Subscribers on Youtube) says “It seems that they are trying-at the very least to repair their relationship with the playerbase.” For now, Gaijin has announced many good changes but no one knows except them which ones will be implemented, but this is a step in the right direction for the game and the playerbase. Many hope that this can go on and Gaijin can fix their game.

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