October 6, 2024

Help the rhinos before they are gone forever!

Science & Technology

Help the rhinos before they are gone forever!

By: Ethan Pu

We need your help to save the Javan rhinos! Javan rhinos are the world’s most endangered species. Only 67 left compared to 70,000 from the 1970s. These harmless rhinos live in danger every day because poor habitat, severe diseases, and potential inbreeding. However, the biggest danger is poaching.

Poachers seek out these rhinos because of their beautiful ivory hords, which are used to create medicine and jewelry in Asia. Over the past decade, 7100 rhinos have been killed for their ivory. We desperately need to increase efforts to protect the remaining rhinos and prevent their extinction. We must appeal to Javan officials to provide higher security and the equipment necessary to keep these gentle giants safe.

By eating the vegetation that nourishes the forest, Javan rhinos help with oxygen production. Additionally, this foraging helps reveal plants that humans have not yet discovered. The Asian landscape is also kept clean and neat by these enormous grazers. These friendly rhinos do not hunt humans. This specific rhino species flees rather than attacks its predators; humans and wild cats. This is another reason why Javan rhinos deserve to live on earth. So, please consider the importance of saving these unique creatures from extinction today before its too late.

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