July 7, 2024

Adelina Otero-Warren’s New Quarter

On the Fitz

Adelina Otero-Warren’s New Quarter

By: Audrey Xie

On August 15, a new U.S quarter will come out as part of the U.S. Mint’s American Women Quarters Program. Adelina Otero-Warren will be stamped on it.

The quarter will have New Mexico’s state flower, the Yucca, imprinted on its tail side, along with the line “votes for women” in Spanish.

Otero-Warren was born in a Hispanic family who came from Spanish settlers and was born near Los Lunas.

She ran the National Woman’s Party and the New Mexico chapter of the Congressional Union and was the first Latina woman to run for the United States Congress, even though she lost. Otero-Warren granted all women the right to vote.

During the middle of two world wars, she was the first female superintendent of Santa Fe public schools, and she thought that Spanish and also English children should be allowed to have an education.

While juggling all of that work, she was also Santa Fe’s inspector of Indian schools. Sadly, she died later on at the age of 83 in her childhood home.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/adelina-otero-warren-quarter-women-latina-rcna37850

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