October 9, 2024

Barriers placed by Texas between Mexico and US


Barriers placed by Texas between Mexico and US

By: Claire Zhou

A 1,000-foot line of buoys is being placed in the Rio Grande, Texas, to prevent migrants from entering the United States.

Gov. Greg Abbott said the barrier will consist of four-foot-wide buoys and will be first placed in the water off the city of Eagle Pass. He explains that the buoys could be expanded and moved in the future.

This was the most recent effort from the Republican state leaders to focus on the large numbers of migrants who are looking for asylum in the United States, and many of them are entering from Texas.

Some federal border restrictions were lifted last month with the expiration of a Trump administration policy which had resulted in a huge increase of migrants. But still, Mr. Abbott and other leaders have criticized the federal government for not doing more to prevent the thousands of migrants coming into the United States every day.

The buoy barrier had joined Texas in its multibillion-dollar program to prevent crossings. Considering the approved two-year budget that included $5.1 billion in spending on border security that the Texas Legislature did last month. The first part of the floating barrier, built by Cochrane USA, had cost $1 million, said Steve McCraw.

Mr. McCraw said that the floating barrier has been tested and that although there indeed were some ways to get over it, the methods would be rather difficult and complicated.

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