October 9, 2024

Bright-Colored Feathers May Have Topped Pterosaurs’ Heads

Science & Technology

Bright-Colored Feathers May Have Topped Pterosaurs’ Heads

By: Eric Zheng

Pterosaurs, prehistoric birds that used their head feathers to stay warm also used them to attract males. The feathers contained soft tissues, which included cells called melanosomes. Different shaped melanosomes resulted in different colors of the pterosaurs’ feathers and skins.

Pterosaurs are a various group of ancient flying reptiles, In the text it said “scientists believed that they were the first vertebrate flyers on Earth.” This showed that since they were the first vertebrate flyers, they could fly around! However, they didn’t use their feathers to fly. Instead, they used another hairlike structure called a membrane. Membranes were used to stretch between their wings, its mostly similar to bat wings.

Pterosaurs had 2 types of feathers on its head, it was researched by paleontologist named Aude Cincotta. Some of the feathers were thing and very long, others would be more of a branching structure. They were very similar present birds! In the text it said, “These feathers are more like those on modern birds.” This evidence showed that Pterosaurs had feathers the same as modern birds.

Pterosaurs really had feathers in the first place, Pterosaurs were also big fluffballs like other famous dinosaurs! The evolution of feathers most likely was part of surviving between other mammals and other pterosaurs.

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