October 6, 2024

Congress Needs to Solve Unemployment During Summer Break

Letter for the Editor

Congress Needs to Solve Unemployment During Summer Break

By: Kevin Lee

Dear Editor,

Senators on Capitol Hill are a major part of our government, especially now. However, as summer break for Senators arrives, many Americans are uneasy about the loss of something that will keep them afloat, such as checks, food and much more.

As many Americans have been waiting for aid, the Senate has been slow to respond to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Congress recently failed Americans in financial trouble when unemployment benefits were unextended from March to ease economic despair in America. The Republican-led Senate also took around two months to give a counter bid of $1 trillion dollars to the Democratic-led House’s bid of $3 trillion dollars for an aid bill to Americans. Negotiations are going poorly between the two parties and the White House only favors a short-term, piecemeal fix, not enough to fix the crisis of unemployment.

Congress and the White House also are going to be going to their respective summer vacations and spending time with their families. However, the effort done to stop American unemployment and financial ruin of American families is not enough. Although being with our families to harbor hope is certainly important during the coronavirus pandemic, Congress should take more time during their summer breaks to solve the unemployment problem.

Members of Congress could schedule more video calls with their families to be an alternate solution. Even if calls are not taken very well by members of Congress and their families, there are others to worry about in the country as well as themselves.

Link to Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/04/opinion/coronavirus-relief-bill-senate-recess.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage

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