October 7, 2024

Dear Future Self,

Creative Writing

Dear Future Self,

By: Ethan & Connie Cao

I hope your smiling at your accomplishments, at your memories as a child and feeling absolutely proud of the work you have done. You have done a great job and faced several obstacles that seemed almost impossible to overcome. So, stop, take a break from whatever you’re doing and go enjoy what you should have long ago.

Go outside, call your family, and go on vacation! It’s your time to yourself. It’s your time to let go of all of your stress. Go camping. Learn to light a fire. Play the sport you loved to play as a little girl, volleyball. Go out touring downtown. Go eat. Discover things you never discovered before! Go far.

Don’t count on the amount of money you have to make you smile, love is the true number one. Cherish every moment that you have. Every day counts, and every second counts. Laugh, smile, and hug your loved ones. Take it all in and give some back. Love is in the air, everywhere. Love all of it!

It has been a long way, a long road, a long journey, but you persevered. You pushed yourself and took risks, you looked at your limits, and you went through emotional hurdles, and that’s what makes me so very proud of you.

Keep going.


Your Present-Self

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