October 6, 2024

Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower

Science & Technology The Journal 2024

Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower

By: Fionna Ma

This year, 2024, a spectacular meteor shower is predicted in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The meteor shower, known as the Delta Aquarids, should include around 25 meteors for starglazers to watch.

According to BBC, “The meteor shower is named after the constellation Aquarius and the bright star Delta Aquarii which it appears to travel from.”

Meteors are different types and shapes of rocks found in space, they reach all various lengths across the measuring board

When meteors are still in space, they are called meteoroids, but when they enter Earth’s atmosphere, they become meteors. Between the time they’re meteors and meteorites, they start to burn, and it looks like a path of light in the sky. This “path of light” is as some call it, a “shooting star”.

If a rock or any shape of minerals land on Earth, they are called a meteorite.

When a large amount of meteors are in space at the same time it is called a meteor shower.

To see a meteor shower, there are some requirements. If there’s low or no light pollution (no artificial lights) the meteor shower should be visible to the human eye.

News reporters don’t recommend using binoculars or telescopes to see the meteor shower. The reason for this is so you can see more across the starry sky.

Most people think rocks and minerals are the same, but they’re actually not. Rocks are composed of minerals but not vice versa. It’s kind of like squares and rectangles. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

Image Credit by Neale LaSalle

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