October 7, 2024

Donald Trump Gives a Speech for the First Time after Surviving Shooting.

News The Journal 2024

Donald Trump Gives a Speech for the First Time after Surviving Shooting.

By: Alina Zhang

Former U.S. President: Donald Trump gave his first speech [when] after being shot in the right ear [on … where… by …] To show supporters that he is still strong, Trump gave an inspiring speech, on July 18 at the Republican National Convention, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to officially accept his party’s nomination again.

Trump’s campaign organizers insisted on continuing with the program as planned less than 48 hours after the shooting. On July 15, 2024 Donald Trump told the Washington Examiner that, ‘’Honestly, it’s going to be a whole different speech now.’’ He said the shooting led him to change his speech; from a “humdinger”; made up largely of attacks on President Joe Biden to a speech more focused on bringing the country together.

On the final day of the Republican National Convention, formally accepting the party’s presidentialnomination,He added that the events of the day of the attempted assassination were too painful to tell but said:“The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin’s bullet would have perfectly hit its mark, and I would not be here tonight.”

This was during the Republican National Convention on Thursday, July 18, 2024, in Milwaukee.

This speech will have a big impact on the upcoming election against Kamala Harris on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

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