October 7, 2024

Forest Regeneration

Creative Writing

Forest Regeneration

By: Kevin Guo

Humans undoubtedly have impacted many ecosystems in different ways. This includes climate change, water pollution, air pollution, and deforestation. In the case of trees, many are having trouble moving to a habitable area due to the climate changing in their area. They move by replanting themselves in different areas with seeds.

Helping trees regenerate in population is crucial since trees take in the carbon dioxide we breathe out and convert it into the oxygen we breathe. Trees make up for 28% of all the oxygen we breathe. Without trees, we would have to rely on marine plants which are also quickly dropping in population due to pollution and climate change. The trees not only provide us with oxygen but they also house countless species of animals. Without trees, it is likely that many species of animals would die off.

Recently, scientists have conducted research on a new way of planting trees with the use of animals, specifically mice and other rodents. In theory, rodents are supposed to bury the nut in the ground for later usage and if they forget or can’t find it, the nut will grow into a tree.

Research shows though that the tree growing also depends on the personality of the animal. This makes, in my opinion, the method too unreliable. The animal would have to willingly carry the nut while in a vulnerable position and bury it. Plus it also has to forget where it is.

It would be best to invest the money elsewhere in a more efficient way of planting trees. Robots is an example of what I mean. If we could invent a robot that could plant, water, and monitor forests, entire rainforests would probably regenerate in decades.

That being said though, rodents are a key factor in everyday tree planting. Most trees aren’t actually planted by themselves, they’re usually planted by us humans and animals. So the most reliable and efficient way to solve deforestation is to program robots to do it for us. They don’t have feelings, they don’t need to be fed, and they don’t get tired.

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