October 7, 2024

From Thunder to Sun

On the Fitz

From Thunder to Sun

By: Bonnie Wang

The sun slowly disappears.

Dark clouds shift, covering the sunny skies.

Making the happy day,


Rain coats the ground

like a coating of

Clear glue on paper.

Making the roads nothing but a pile

of gloss.

Diamond raindrops shatter

violently as they touch the ground.

Thunder rumbles in the distance,

lightning dances across the sky.

Babies wail and children cry,

but they make no sound compared to the thunder.

The crashes of thunder seal off the sound of everyday life.

Traffic, sirens, and laughing all drowned out by the pouring rain.

Lightning dances in the sky,

leaving here and teleporting there.

Thunder joins in the party,

and invites rain along.

They dance for hours.

Sun peeks through,


Sun goes to confront them,

shooing them out of the sky.

The day is saved,

and the glory is saved!

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