October 5, 2024

Heat Waves are Melting Europe

Science & Technology

Heat Waves are Melting Europe

By: Max Yang

Ever since May 2022, when France suffered their hottest month ever because of severe heat waves, the rest of Europe also started to endure temperatures approaching three-digit numbers. Heat waves have happened before in Europe, but they weren’t this intense. France was struck again in June, along with Spain, Italy, and many other countries such as Croatia, Germany, Ireland, and Italy. Then, in this month, parts of Eastern Europe put up with the intense heat.

As many may guess, global warming did play a part in this crisis. Studies show that the world today is—on average—2 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 Celsius) higher than the temperatures of the 19th century, before the elements of global warming, such as various greenhouse gasses and carbon dioxide, existed

Circulation issues are also causing this crisis. Scientists proved that zones of the ocean with less pressure are extracting air from North Africa and exhaling it towards Europe. Northern Africa is full of deserts, meaning that the air extracted is warm and that Europe is receiving warm winds daily.

Lastly, the Arctic melting is another factor of the heat waves. The temperatures in both the Arctic and the equator are starting to .

Heat waves in Europe are increasing in frequency and intensity at a faster rate than almost any other part of the planet, including the fire-polluted Western United States.

The consequences of the heat include deaths. During the three months of suffering, Europe lost 5,056 people to the heat waves, with Spain losing the most—2,334. The heat also killed 1,636 Germans, 1063 Portuguese, 13 British, 4 Irish, 3 Polish, and 3 French citizens.

The temperatures of each country didn’t dip below 85 degrees even until now. Portugal suffered through a day with the hottest temperature in Europe. The country’s highest temperature was 116.6 degrees Fahrenheit. France was the runner-up with a highest temperature of 114.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Spain came with third as the country suffered a day at 109.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

Global warming and other elements are causing a crisis in Europe, taking the lives of many people. The best way of ending this heat wave crisis is to stop global warming. That way, many of the reasons heat waves are appearing won’t present any problem and the people of Europe can finally cool down.

Resources: What’s Behind Europe’s Heat Waves_ – The New York Times.pdf

2022 European heat waves – Wikipedia

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