September 20, 2024

History From 200 Years in the Future About 2024

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

History From 200 Years in the Future About 2024

By: Aiden Luo

In the distant future, say 200 years from now, people may view their two-century old predecessors as a completely different race, or strangely peculiar humans. Many experts believe that future humans will live up to 150 years, and technology will become extremely advanced, so much so, that our current advancements would look childish in the future. So, the question arises. What would our heirs to this planet think of us in their recorded history, especially the year 2024?

The history would likely be stored in computers instead of books, as most people would be able to have access to the screens by then. Future humans may be interested in past U.S. presidential debates and would likely mock 2024’s two candidates, as neither answered true questions, but used the tactic of Mudslinging to smear the opponent’s reputation. The future humans may also wonder why the president Joe Biden had stepped down from a possible re-run, as he was only in his eighties. To future people, living to eighty should already be an easy task due to advanced knowledge on medicine.

Another reason 2024 may be interesting to future humans would be the advancement of AI. The future inhabitants of this planet will most likely treat AI as a main day to day tool instead of something interesting for computer engineers to meddle with. Any year in the 2020’s would be crucial to future history, as it most likely will represent when many industries and internet celebrities have crashed down due to the misuse of AI. Future humans would come to realize how their ancestors had found out how to abuse the technology, using it for selfish reasons such as scam calls and false articles. Even though the AI in 2024 may seem reasonably primitive, future education may point out the significance of properly managing AI.

2024 would seem like a normal part of the many years the future humans would study. The 2020s would be a decade the future humans would study and teach due to its rich global events such as social media issues and awkward leaders.

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