July 2, 2024

How Her Life Changed

Creative Writing

How Her Life Changed

By: Emma Cai

Hazel sat up, trying to make sense of her surroundings. The last thing she remembered was touching the small coin in the clearing, and now she was in a grand bedroom fit for wealthy people. She looked down at herself and gasped, realizing that she was wearing a beautiful nightgown made of the finest and softest silk instead of quickly sewn ragged cloth.

The maid that was next to her bed, noticed her surprise and smiled. “My lady, you have finally awoken. How are you feeling? The king has requested a meeting with you this afternoon to reward your bravery.”

Hazel’s eyes widened in shock. Bravery?! King?! What? I don’t recall doing anything brave and out of order from my usual routine…And the king? How did I even get in contact with him? A moment later, she asked, “Bravery? What do you mean?”

The maid chuckled. “Surely you must remember. You were the one who discovered the lost treasure of the Dasian Kingdom. It was hidden in that very clearing where you found the coin.”

Hazel’s mind was still unclear, but the mention of the treasure sparked a memory. She vaguely recalled finding a chest filled with gold and jewels, but she couldn’t remember how she had managed to do it. Was there also something about…a gnome? No, it was probably because she just woke up and her memory was hazy.

The maid saw the confusion and disbelief on her face and explained further. “The king had been searching for that treasure for years, but no one was able to find it. He had promised a grand reward to anyone who could uncover it, and you, my lady, were the one who succeeded.”

Hazel was still trying to process everything. She had gone from a simple peasant to a lady with riches beyond her wildest dreams. It was all so overwhelming. How had that happened without me remembering even the slightest detail?

The maid noticed her distress and, looking confused, asked, “My lady? Are you feeling alright? Shall I call the doctor back for another checkup?”

Hazel shook her head slowly, still trying to come to terms with her new reality. She didn’t know what the future held for her, but she knew one thing for sure – her life would never be the same again.

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