October 2, 2024

I Don’t Know What To Write

Creative Writing

I Don’t Know What To Write

By: Ming Sun

I don’t know what to write to write today,

So I’ll just jot down the mess in my head.

This is supposed to be a poem,

But it’s reading like an essay.

But wait, what is a poem?

Poems don’t have to rhyme or have rhythm,

Or have any form of meter,

Especially in free verse, like in the case of this poem.

Poems are tools for us to express our ideas and emotions,

They’re supposed to set us free,

That’s why we write them.

Rules about poems are more like guidelines,

Created to guide us rather to bind us.

Poems are about the freedom of self-expression,

If they start to restrain, then something’s wrong.

With this in mind, perhaps this piece isn’t so bad,

And maybe I do know what to write after all.

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