October 6, 2024

If I Could be Any Animal I Would Be A…

News The Journal 2024

If I Could be Any Animal I Would Be A…

By: Evelyn Wan

If I could pick any animal to be, it would be a smart and lazy indoor cat. Why? Because cats can basically do whatever they want. Other animals (especially the wildlife creatures) have to hunt and look for their own food, have shorter lifespans, and get hunted down by humans. If you’re an inside cat, you don’t need to worry about anything. The owner will provide you water and daily meals. Everyday I could sleep for 10 hours with blankets and pillows around me and play out in the garden when the sun is shining so the I can sunbathe. When lots of people come over, I would get pet and they would compliment me for how cute I am.

Cats are also very smart and have really fast reactions. My brain and reflexes would be very quick. This would help me catch bugs and other small creatures out in the garden. Some animals can attack cats at night, but with fast reflexes the cat can defend its self. If you ever have any mental health issues, you should get a therapy cat! I would be a great therapy cat. I would give lots of cuddles, comfort, attention, and company to people who are going though a rough time.

My daily routine of being a cat would be to wake up and eat my first meal of the day. Next, I would go sleep in the cover of the couch and be surrounded by comfy pillows. I would then play outside for one hour and go catch some small animals like lizards or mice. Afterwards, I would eat a second meal of day before going to sleep in the master bedroom for three hours. Then I’d go play with the kids for an hour or so. Lastly, I would eat the final meal of the day and go sleep next to the owner until the next day.

Cats are very friendly and loving pets. They can survive lots of situations and have an excellent and smart brain. If I was any animal, I would pick being a cat.

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