October 7, 2024

If You Can Be Reincarnated as Anything, What Would You Want to Be?

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

If You Can Be Reincarnated as Anything, What Would You Want to Be?

By: Shawn  Wang

Sometimes, when I’m alone, I like to think about what animal I would want to be if I could be reincarnated as one. My first option is to be a bird, specifically a tropical bird living in a rainforest. Whenever I see birds, I always think about being one, and how fun it would be to able to fly.

If I was in a rainforest, it would mean there would be more food and also more tree branches to be able to fly up to and land on. There will also be many more species of birds that will be living with me, so I won’t be lonely there.

Another option is to be reincarnated as a cat. Cats also don’t have any responsibilities, and they sleep for 16 hours a day. I would want to be a cat that explores the neighborhood freely, but still has owners and a house I could go to every night.

Being a cat would give me many abilities, such as climbing walls and fences multiple times my height, always being able to land on my feet, and also having night vision. Cats also have very good balance and can walk on fences easily. I always thought it would be interesting to walk over fences. While you’re balancing on a thin fence going around the neighborhood, you can see everybody’s backyards up there and you’re able to jump in and explore whichever you want, whenever you want.

Image Credit by daniyal ghanavati

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