July 4, 2024

Increase of 2024 Heat Waves Means Danger

News The Journal 2024

Increase of 2024 Heat Waves Means Danger

By: Sammy Wang

In June, 2024, many people on the East Coast of the US were given warnings about the approaching heat waves as it would strike them first. Baltimore and Philadelphia were predicted to reach around 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The number of heat waves hitting the US has gradually increased over the years, with the Global Change Research Program expecting around 6 heat waves to strike the US this year in 2024.

During the 2nd week of June, states like Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, rose to the 90s, at least 15 degrees higher than originally expected.

Researchers and scientists, like Jane W. Baldwin (Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University) says the increased frequency of heat waves is said to be caused by climate change.

Released greenhouse gasses intensify the effect of heat waves, especially when compared to heat waves from the 1960s. Then, summers, only experienced an average of two heat waves.

“Almost any kind of metric related to heat waves you can imagine is getting worse and is projected to get worse,” Baldwin says.

Heat waves can lead to death and illness among vulnerable groups like the old, the young, and the poor. It can also cause devastating damage to crops and livestock, or even power outages Outages can prevent access to automated cooling, resulting in heart strokes, heart attacks, or dehydration.

Thennie Freeman, director of the Washington, D.C., Department of Parks and Recreation, has warned people about the dangers of the heat waves.

“Heat exhaustion is a real thing. And so we want our residents to be safe from extreme heat,” Freeman said. “Drink plenty of water, wear loose fit clothing, wear a hat, stay out. Avoid the heat in the sun during these peak hours as much as possible.”


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