October 9, 2024

Innovations of The Twelve Tables

Creative Writing

Innovations of The Twelve Tables

By: Victor Kong

During the Roman Republic many laws were not visible and there was much room for corruption by public officials. The people revolted against the leader and in 450 B.C.E created the Twelve Tables, which are a set of laws created on 12 bronze plates. The Twelve Tables impacted the world by protecting citizens, giving equality under the law, and protecting against power abuses.

One way The Twelve Tables influenced the world is by protecting the rights of citizens.“The Twelve Tables was a first step which would allow the protection of the rights of all citizens and permit wrongs to be redressed through precisely-worded written laws known to everybody. Consequently, the Roman approach to law would later become the model followed by many subsequent civilizations right up to the present day.” The protection of the rights of citizens is still used in the modern world in many places, including in America where citizens have many rights that are protected by the Constitution.

The twelve tables also enshrined equality under the law. The Twelve Tables did guarantee every citizen equal treatment under the law. Tables 1, 2 and 3 gave the citizens a proper trial. And table 7 gave them equal land rights. In the U.S. there are laws that every citizen has access to equality.

Lastly, The Twelve Tables impacted the world by protecting people against power abuses. The written recording of the law in the Twelve Tables enabled the plebeians both to become acquainted with the law and to protect themselves against patricians’ abuses of power. The U.S. usually has equal fines for the same crime one commits.

From the Twelve Tables protecting citizens starting from 451 BCE to today in the US Citizens where they have the right to trial by jury The Twelve Tables gave equality under the law, which is shown by letting citizens vote. The U.S. rule of checks and balances came from the 12 Tables, which protected people from power abuses. By giving equality under the law, protecting citizens rights, and protecting people against power abuses the Twelve Tables impacted the world in a major way.

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