October 7, 2024

July: National Ice Cream Month!

Arts & Culture The Journal 2024

July: National Ice Cream Month!

By: Adalyn Xiao

It is well known that President Ronald Reagan loved jelly beans. However, this president also enjoyed eating ice cream. He issued Proclamation 5219 in 1984. The proclamation declared July as National Ice Cream Month, and the third Sunday of July as National Ice Cream Day. Americans were encouraged to celebrate with appropriate ceremonies and activities, meaning eating as much ice cream as possible.

The modern recipe for ice cream, using mostly milk and sugar, was created by the Arabs in the 9th century. Europeans discovered ice cream from the Arabs in the 16th century. Even so, the first serving of ice cream in the US only came in 1744 when Maryland Governor Thomas Bladen served it to some guests.

Now, Americans are the world’s largest consumers of ice cream-eating an average of 20 pounds of ice cream per person every year. More than $6 billion is spent on purchasing this sweet treat.

How many flavors of ice cream are there? There are over 1,000 recorded flavors worldwide, but vanilla is still the top choice. People also enjoy chocolate, strawberry, mint chocolate chip, and cookies and cream. There are also some interesting flavors of ice cream. A 1790 cookbook had recipes for cheese, ginger, and even brown bread flavored!

Ice cream is enjoyed everywhere, and with many flavors to vary! Thanks to President Ronald Reagan, there is National Ice Cream Month. So, eat as much ice cream as you can, and happy National Ice Cream Month!

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