October 6, 2024

Kamala Harris Replaces Biden in U.S Presidential Race

News The Journal 2024

Kamala Harris Replaces Biden in U.S Presidential Race

By: Olivia Ho

President Joseph Biden dropped out of the U.S. Presidential Race due to the pressure from his Democrat supporters. His supporters noticed that he had been struggling to do his job. Particularly alarming was his confusion while competing against Trump during the Presidential debate. President Biden started to lean towards the idea of withdrawing from the race while staying at his house at Rehoboth Beach, Del. Because he will be withdrawing, Kamala Harris will likely take his place.

“My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President,” says a post President Biden put online. “And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

The decision was not only because Biden felt that he could not carry on with the election, but because had been facing large amounts of pressure from his Democratic supporters. During his 2024 presidential debate with Trump, it did not go well. His supporters who watched the debate were concerned as they saw a frail and dazed Biden stammer his case.

This was not the only time Biden was perceived as frail and unwell; when going up the stairs to Air Force One he was spotted taking breaks with his mouth open. Then, when asked how he was taking in all the pressure from the Democrats, he responded, “I am doing well” while slowly getting into the Presidential limousine.

After Biden knew he was going to lose his supporters because of his current health, it eventually brought on his decision to withdraw from the election. Although he did withdraw from the election, he decided that he would still serve as president till the end of his term.

As for Kamla Harris who has the potential to rejoin the race, she needs to get the Democrats to vote for her and she surprisingly seems to be ahead of Trump by a little bit. This shows promise for her presence in the election and a fair competition between the two candidates.

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