October 7, 2024

Losing A Volleyball in a Tree

On the Fitz

Losing A Volleyball in a Tree

By: Derek Chang

At summer camp today, we were playing Volleyball. At the start, we were given a gigantic volleyball to hit, but it was too heavy, so we changed it out for a normal one. We were having a lot of fun, even though we couldn’t really hit the ball that much. Little did we know, this fun would stop soon.

Soon, someone bopped the volleyball super high in the air, and it got stuck in a nearby tall tree. We panicked, and we couldn’t figure out how to get it down since it was so high. I soon realized that the tree was possible to climb up…for so high. The instructor told us not to climb the tree in case someone got hurt. This was going to be hard.

The instructor called someone over to climb the tree and shake the branch holding up the volleyball. She climbed the tree and tried to shake the branch, but failed to shake the branch enough to get the volleyball down.

While we had failed to get the volleyball down today, there is still a chance that one day, the volleyball will somehow come down, be it falling down by itself or getting down from shaking the tree. Anyways, I sure hope it will come down one day.

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