October 6, 2024

Lost in a Video Game

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Lost in a Video Game

By: Ethan Ding


One day, right before Christmas, two friends, Timmy and Joe, decided to buy a new video game.

The video game’s name was “Night Before Christmas.”

Chapter 1: New World

When Timmy and Joe returned home with the video game, they were so excited.

“ I wonder what the game will be about!” Timmy exclaimed.

“Good thing we saved up our money for this!” Joe replied.

Joe put the disc in. Timmy turned on the T.V. The T.V. turned on, then went black.

“Deactivating in 10 seconds.” The T.V. said.

“What’s going on?” Timmy said.

“I have no idea!” Joe responded.

“5..4..3..2..1..” The T.V. counted down.

Zoom! The T.V. sucked Timmy and Joe into the video game.

Chapter 2: The First Quest

When Joe and Timmy walked into the room, they felt nervous. When they looked around, they saw that they were no longer in their real world. There were flying bugs and jumping creatures.

“Where are we?” Timmy asked.

“I don’t know,” Joe answered.

“Then what do we do then?” Timmy replied.

Suddenly, they noticed a man standing near a tree nearby and looking straight at them! Then he started talking.

“Welcome to the video game world.” His voice boomed.

“Wait, what?” Joe suddenly yelled.

“You heard me right, welcome to the video game world,” said the man again.

“ What do we do, Joe?” Timmy asked.

“Just listen to him,” Joe replied calmly.

“ You must complete six quests to get out.” The man told them.

“So what is it?” Joe said.

“I’ll tell you later.” The man replied. “ First, come with me.

They walked through the door and entered a room.

“First,” the man said, “You have to find three things to get out. A shell, a fish bone, and a golden key. You can start in 3..2..1.. Go!”

Joe and Timmy started. Almost immediately, Joe spotted the clamshell in the bush.

“One down,” Joe said.

They did more searching, but they couldn’t find anything. Timmy was starting to get nervous.

“5 minutes.” The man told them.

Now they were rushing to find something. What if they can’t find anything, and then they get trapped in there forever?

Then, Timmy spotted the fish bone in the pot.

“ Two down,” Timmy said.

“ Two minutes,” the man said.

Timmy and Joe were ruffling around the room to find it. Still, they couldn’t find it anywhere.

“ Hey Joe,” Timmy said.

“What?” Joe asked.

“ With a bit of luck, I think we can do this,” Timmy replied.

“Great, I have so much luck right now.” Joe thought sarcastically. Then, out of nowhere, he spotted the key right in the door’s lock.

“Timmy!” Joe yelled. “I found it!”

Timmy and Joe moved on to the next quest.

Image Credit by Polina Tankilevitch

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