October 6, 2024

Mewsie’s daily routine

Creative Writing

Mewsie’s daily routine

By: Andy Dong

The daily routine of my cat, Mewsie, is very unclear. Her daily tasks are unorganized and usually end up being undone. There are little gaps of time when Mewsie is doing weird, Mewsie-things. However, no one gives thought to what she is doing and lets her proceed.

The first thing that Mewsie does in the morning is she comes upstairs and meows loudly until my dad gets up and goes downstairs to feed her. After she eats her breakfast, she scratches and meows at my mom, asking, “What about a second breakfast?” Mewsie relentlessly causes chaos until she is fed a second breakfast.

At this point in the early noon, Mewsie settles down for a nap. She has seven locations to choose from: Her own bed in our laundry room (which doubles as her room), a big mat next to my desk, a small mat next to my dad’s study, a very small mat in the living room, and three other boxes. This is the time when anyone can actually do any work. Well, until someone disturbs her by petting her and cuddling her (mUahAha, totally not me).

When I do manage to eventually wake her up, she likes to get up and look outside, we even let her out into the backyard to play in the grass. It is usually 30 mins until she gets scared by a lawnmower or the loud birds, and she has to come back in. This is quickly followed by another long nap.

Mewsie then politely asks for linner (lunch+dinner) and gets annoyed when everyone tries to tell her she has eaten too much. However, she wins every time and is eventually fed. For the rest of the afternoon, Mewsie is either being cuddled, petted, walking, or laying around. Otherwise, she is sleeping.

Late at night, around 8-10 pm, Mewsie asks for one last dinner and watches us go to bed. She then meows a lot and wonders what we are all doing. Then, only our fish can keep her company.

I like to think that in the middle of the night, Mewsie flies to Mars and fights many mythical creatures. Early in the morning, she flies back and starts meowing again for food even though she was a hero for the night!

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