October 7, 2024

My Friend Group (Free Verse)

Creative Writing

My Friend Group (Free Verse)

By: Qinwei Wu

In sixth grade,

because of coronavirus,

I went to an online school.

After the first trimester ended,

I wanted to go back to school.

I was sorted into a class,

where I barely knew anyone.

I sat next to this girl in class.

We barely talked,

and were only acquaintances

I followed her around during recess,

because I had no one else to play with.

We got to know each other better,

and soon we were friends.

I got to know other people.

Both in my class and her friend group.

Her friend group had four people,

I became the fifth.

In seventh grade,

one of our friends became popular.

She no longer hung out with us.

Instead hanging out,

with another more popular group.

My childhood friend,

decided to come join my group.

Her other friend came along,

making us a group of six

One of my friends,

from the original group of four,

brought along another friend.

We became a group of seven.

Another friend,

we all had known,

had just joined us all of a sudden.

We all just accepted it,

and became a group of eight.

Another one of our friends,

from the original group of four,

had stopped hanging out with us.

She had a new group of friends.

We were a group of seven again.

At the end of seventh grade,

our dearest friend,

had moved away.

Starting in eighth grade,

I will have a friend group of six.

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