October 8, 2024

My Sisters and Me

Creative Writing

My Sisters and Me

By: Boya Hu

I have a significant relationship with my sisters. They are very dear to me, even if they do annoy me sometimes. My two sisters’ names are Miya and Liya. Liya was born on March 2020. My other sister, Miya, was born on May 2022.

Liya is very cute. She says funny things that I do not expect a 3-year-old to know. She inmates everyone and does it the perfect tone. Sometimes, I even think that I have an echo because she is so good at mimicking! She almost has perfect talking, too. She is the opposite of Miya, because she is a scaredy cat. She loves to take care of her pretend baby and cook for me. Those are her favorite games. She likes to make fried dishes, soup, cake, and others as well. She gives me a random toy and we pretend that it is our baby.

She does not like going to school and eating dinner because she does not want to sit still. Liya’s favorite colors are green and blue. Liya’s favorite show is Peppa Pig. She sometimes plays hard with Miya, but sometimes not. We both like Miya a lot. At the playground, she likes going on the slide and grass. She also likes going to the backyard and hanging out with Daddy. Liya’s favorite part of the day is when Daddy goes and picks fruits for us.

Miya is only 1 year old, and she knows a lot. She knows that she should not fall for the tricks we do in order to get food into her mouth. I wanted her to crawl under the table, so I put a toy and she did crawl under! The table was transparent, so I could literally see Miya’s cute, smiling face. She is so cute when she smiles and eats! Miya is very light. When Miya crawls, she is very happy. Once she crawls over and gets what Miya wants, she laughs and shows her front and bottom teeth.

Miya likes going out to shop or eat. She sometimes even eats a couple things at the restaurant! There is a chocolate shop which I like buying chocolate at and letting Miya see something new. We always get different types of savoring chocolate each time, so we have something new to taste and to show Miya.

Miya only cries when people say something bad about her and when she gets hurt. Miya’s clothes always look cute on her. It makes her look very grown up. Miya’s dainty shoes always match what she is wearing.

Miya is even brave enough to fight against her sister, Liya! Whenever she is playing with something and Liya steals it, she bravely snatches it back. When Liya and Miya play together, if Liya is in a good mood she plays nicely with Miya, if not she plays hard. Usually, they play kitchen together and Liya cooks for Miya. Miya usually eats a cupcake from Chef Liya. Sometimes, I even join just to watch Miya while Mommy does something else. I can see that Liya does try to play nicely with Miya, but sometimes she just forgets that Miya is smaller than her.

When we go on trips, Liya always plays Peek-a-Boo with Miya if she is crying. Usually, that works, and Miya stops crying. Miya sometimes even comforts Liya! Miya and Liya usually act very angelic during trips. I sometimes feel special because I stopped fights between Miya and Liya.

Liya and Miya are special in a lot of ways. I’ll never forget them, for nothing can ever replace them in my heart.

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