July 7, 2024

NASA joins the hunt for UFOs

Science & Technology

NASA joins the hunt for UFOs

By: Rachel Liao

The field of UFO study, which used to be so poorly regarded, is now receiving more attention than ever. After many years of conscientious observations and thorough research, NASA has officially joined the hunt for UFOs. This internationally known space agency in Washington, D.C. has stated to have sent several experienced scientists to further inspect the unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), after moments of persuasion to not shy away from the opportunity. The project will commence during the fall of 2022, for approximately nine months, with the discovery of unexplainable sightings already underway.

The unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) are observations of abnormal figures or events in the sky that cannot be interpreted as aircraft, natural phenomena, or other sources of mystery. This is exactly how and why NASA is well prepared to not only “demystify” the identity of UFOs but also the understanding of scientific studies.

“Given the paucity of observations, our first task is simply to gather the most robust set of data,” astrophysicist David Spergel said. “We will be identifying what data – from civilians, governments, nonprofits, companies – exists, what else we would try to collect, and how to best analyze it.”

“There is a great deal of stigma associated with UAP among our naval aviators and aviation community,” Daniel Evans, the assistant deputy associate administrator for research at NASA’s science mission directorate claimed.

The last extensive government investigation of UFOs, or more commonly called UAPs, took place in 1969, hosted by a U.S. Air Force investigation named Project Blue Book. This project ended with the conclusion that no unexplained flying object have been verified, along with nonexistent threats to the national security. Then, when this was compared tothe reattempt of the investigation in 2017, the results were doubted because the stark differences were no longer set aside. Reports and testimonies from navy pilots and radar crews were received from the founding of aerial objects in the sky.

After pursuing their research beforehand, NASA officials emphasized that they have no solid evidence that UFOs or UAPs are extraterrestrial to the mainland, although the US federal government is more appealed to the air safety and national security. However, testimonies that have recently been collected report that there have been 11 near collisions between the UAPs and the US military aircraft. Other encounters reported by the subcommittee of the search party have also claimed to have seen abnormal behavior above sensitive nuclear facilities. One of such incidents occurred at the Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. They claimed to have seen 10 nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), which was then announced irremediable.

A June 2021 Pentagon Report has also documented the sighting of 144 UAPs by navy pilots since 2004. Of all, 18 appeared to have a peculiar navigating or flight behavior. Although 18 may not be much, considering that it is one-sixth the total amount of observations, there are nonetheless more background information on these UFOs, or even unidentified objects. Many have caught the mysterious figures moving against the wind, maneuvering abruptly, and occasionally even traveling at hypersonic speed. Moreover, a video clip captured by the US Navy has also shown that a spherical UFO-like figure was hovering in midair, bouncing from side to side, before, it plunged into the ocean. These scientists even went as far as studying water sources on Mars to exploring the moons of the Sun and Jupiter.

Thomas Zurbuchen, the head of NASA’s science mission directorate, stated, “NASA believes that the tools of scientific discovery are powerful and apply here also. We have the tools and team who can help us improve our understanding of the unknown. That’s the very definition of what science is. That’s what we do.”

It seems, reasonably enough, that this information was still not enough for the NASA commissioners. They had to investigate further. Evans claimed, “One of the things we tangentially hope to do as part of this study, simply by talking about it in the open, is to help to remove some of the stigma associated with it, and that will yield obviously, increased access to data, more reports, more sightings.”

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