October 6, 2024

Nature’s Trial

News The Journal 2024

Nature’s Trial

By: Gabby Zhou

The mother’s pups all huddled around, attempting to keep warm from the cruel force of nature. “Mum, a small pup whispered, “when are we going to get out of here?”

“I don’t know.”

The small pups all shivered. “So we’re alone now,” another pup breathed.

“Yes. But we all must fight back and go home.”

The small pups all shivered again.

“But if we try, we’ll make it through,” said the mother softly.

The small pups relaxed as the mother patted them gently, calming them to sleep.

“Mum… I’m hungry.”

“Mum… I’m tired.”

“Mum… I’m sleepy.”

The mother awoke from the outbursts of her three pups. “Calm down… We’re leaving. NOW. We’ll find food,” she promised.

So, the wolves went on their usual travels, which usually didn’t bring them much helpful resources. However, this time, something changed: “There’s a deer!” one pup outburst, but just quietly enough that the deer wouldn’t hear.

“I know… Be quiet, I’ll get us something.”

The mother eyed the deer, careful not to be detected. She approached slowly, but as the deer saw her, she ran faster, and bit its shoulder. The deer screeched, and tried running away after managing to wound the mother. The blood rushed out of her wound. Yet, she kept chasing, hoping both she and her pups could manage to get some food.

Meanwhile, behind the bushes, the pups watched their mother carefully. “We have to help her,” whispered one[of them, as they saw their mother get injured and their little stomachs desperately called for food. So, they chased after the deer, using all the strength their little legs could muster them. Eventually, they caught up with the deer at the same time their mother did.

The mother’s eyes widened and she leaped forward to bite the deer’s other shoulder as the little pups bit the deer’s legs. The deer gasped in pain and fell to the ground. Meanwhile, the mother and her pups enjoyed their first fine meal in a week.

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