July 2, 2024

Navajo Nation Extends Coronavirus Lockdown, Here’s the Reason Why


Navajo Nation Extends Coronavirus Lockdown, Here’s the Reason Why

By Andrew Chan

Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez warned in a statement Sunday about the fast spread of coronavirus, which has now spread itself across 75 Navajo communities.The fast spread of the virus caused him to have to extend the coronavirus lockdown by three weeks, to stop the transmission of the virus. The government’s previous lockdown self isolated over 170,000 people and lasted between March and August, but since this new wave of coronavirus is much more severe, more precautions will take place.

These precautions order the people of the Navajo nation to stay home at all time, with the exception of essential workers, which means that all nonessential businesses must close. Roads also remain closed to any visitors and gatherings can only be with household family members.



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