July 2, 2024

November 2022: Follow-Up to 1984

Book Club

November 2022: Follow-Up to 1984

We hope that you enjoyed our discussion on 1984. If you’d like to go the extra mile and write about the book we’ve just read together, feel free to use one of the following prompts:

  • Write about a powerful real-life institution that uses technology or surveillance (Hint: Think Big Data, biometrics, drones, facial recognition) to gain intel on a population. How does this serve as a parallel to Oceania? How is it different?
  • The Party has three key slogans: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. If you had to come up with three slogans to represent your experience of your hometown, what would they be? Why?
  • After reading, choose one of these 25 quotes and use it as the opening paragraph of a creative fiction piece. Feel free to take it in any direction you please!

Have any thoughts about any of the prompts above? Want to tell us what you learned? Have any comments to share about the book club? Drop them below! <3

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