July 4, 2024

On Ahmed Hafnaoi

Letter for the Editor

On Ahmed Hafnaoi

Dear BBC sport writer,

I have finished reading your short yet amazing article on an equally as amazing athlete, and I have many opinions of my own, though the majority of them were positive.

First of all, I really enjoyed the way information was shared. It was a very brief article, but I was actually surprised at how much I was able to learn from it. I was also extremely happy to learn about a new athlete that is this incredible! I particularly enjoyed the format of this piece. It was very easy to read and comprehend and I actually feel that I enjoyed this type of writing more than many others.

I personally feel as though Hafnaoi is a very under-rated athlete myself, and I was really happy that he began getting recognition. I’ve seen his unique swimming techniques and have looked up to him in many ways since I first read about him. From his flow to his speed, as a former swimmer (even if I wasn’t the best), I was able to see how amazing he was, and at a young age, I believe his talent was even more apparent than before.

I also really liked the last paragraph about Yui Ohashi and her win as well. I was never that big of a fan of watching the Olympics but this year, I was actually quite captivated by it.

All in all, even if this article was short, it was actually able to make my day in more ways than one. It was almost like a butterfly effect, and I want to thank you for that. This has reignited my love for the Olympics and that is something I didn’t expect to happen. This had quite a big impact for something so small, and I find it pretty interesting as well.

Thank you,

Moya Zhao.

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