October 7, 2024

Operation I

Creative Writing The Journal 2024

Operation I

By: Aiden Ding

The breeze gently shook the trees. But inside them, a boy hid from the sight of three Russian soldiers. Alloy held his breath as he slowly parted the branches in front of him. He could, just barely, see the clearing. A large black building was in the center of the space-and on the lower half of one of the walls, there was a large red eye symbol. And if front of all of that was an electric wire fence.

This was impossible. Alloy silently slapped his own face. He wasn’t well geared enough for this! All he had was tear gas, a smoke bomb, a SMG, and a grappling gun. What was he supposed to do? All his material except for his gun was in his backpack, weighing him down. He sighed.

Everything went wrong. Alloy didn’t notice the soldier turning towards his hiding spot until it was too late. Their eyes met. The soldier started yelling. He pulled out his gun and nailed them off. He would have to switch spots. After shimmying down his tree trunk, Alloy hid in a bush. He observed the building more. Snap! The sound of a twig breaking. Alloy looked around and saw a small girl with a needle sharp sword. “Lily?” he said in surprise. “It’s me, Al.”she laughed. Lily was his little sister, and they decided to join a military operation to avenge their parents death.

“Listen, Al, I’ve got a plan. In my bag I have a bazooka.” Oh no, Alloy thought. He knew this couldn’t be good. “You have a smoke bomb, right? You first rain fire down on them, then throw your smoke bomb. Then, I’ll make them take cover by shooting my bazooka on them, then we rush in with Unit 102.” she explained.

“This could actually work,”Alloy thought. Unit 102 was roughly 100 soldiers equipped with the same gun as he had-the SMG, except for with bigger bullets and larger firing rates. “Like excuse me? It wasn’t his fault he hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet.”he thought.

However, he was sure of one thing. He wasn’t sure if this plan would work.

Image Credit by Mike Navolta

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