October 6, 2024

Overwhelming Pet Love

Science & Technology The Journal 2024

Overwhelming Pet Love

By: Carol Fang

Pets are considered by humans as friends, or perhaps even more: a child or a family member. However, to what extent is having “too much love” harmful for your pet? From trends and freedom to drawbacks, over-loving a pet can be unhealthy for them.

In 2021, Americans spent 123.6 billion dollars on pet products. A year later in 2022, Americans spent 136.8 billion dollars on their pets, which is an increase of 13 billion dollars within a year. The majority of the money is spent on health care, pet insurance, and food. Pet toys, gadgets, treats, or anything related to their fun are bought to entertain and bring joy to them. According to Capital One Shopping Research, this year’s Valentine’s Day was expected to have Americans spend about 2.14 billion dollars on treats, foods, toys, and many other gifts.

Our pets’ freedom also seems to be a big topic among pet-owning Americans (66%). According to The New York Times, if we treat our pets like human children, the pets will become “more constrained and dependent on us.” This is a problem because in the future, bred pets may develop behavior or health issues because of how we treat them now.

Since our pets are domesticated, unlike their ancestors, they are not familiar with traveling across large areas for survival (food, shelter, mating). Take dogs as an example. It is better for them to run around in a park or a backyard than confining them in a dimensional living cube. Of course, too much freedom isn’t good either, as discipline and consequence is usually what shapes a good character.

Unfortunately, there are several drawbacks due to one problem: Isolation. The owner may argue the benefits of this for their pet’s safety, but even staying indoors for a long time is not healthy. Isolation causes (according to a New York Times interview of Dr. Serpell) “an increase in animal separation anxiety and aggression.”

Because of anxiety, pets like cats and dogs eat more when they are stressed, according to research and ScienceDirect. Thus, overeating causes obesity. Another issue may be finance. With the lack of money to keep your pet healthy or even alive, it either ends in abandonment or setting up the pet for adoption.

Taking care of a pet is not easy. But making sure that they are happy and healthy is more than an essential part of their life.

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