October 6, 2024

People are Becoming Ill Because of Weed

Science & Technology

People are Becoming Ill Because of Weed

By: Lucas Ji

More than 150 million people worldwide smoke weed, which is around 1/53 of the population. Many victims of this addictive drug are teens such as Elysse, a girl who started smoking cannabis at the age of 14. She described how happy she was after smoking, not realizing the negative consequences of the drug. With serious symptoms such as nausea, panic attacks, paranoia, and vomiting, this cannabinoid drug is legal in more than 20 states.

Many teens vape this drug since it’s odorless and cannot be detected without special equipment. Elysse says when she was inebriated “Everything was moving slowly. I got super hungry. Everything was hilarious.” and “I felt like my body was levitating.”

Her parents realized she was doing drugs, but they didn’t do anything to help her stop here addiction. Elysse stopped herself when she realized all of of the negative effects that was happening. You can learn that parents also play an important role in this crisis.

Though it is prohibited to distribute drugs to minors, many producers still give drugs to minors, but in secret. She got her weed from dealers who cut corners by adding wax and oils which could lead to more severe side effects, including cancer. These vapes were packed with THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the active ingredient in marijuana.

Though cannabis could be beneficial because of its CBD or Cannabidiol, most cannabis contains too small of an to be good for people. Lower levels of CBD can make the substance more addictive.

Many now are aware of the negative effects of weed, and therapies for people who are addicted are now becoming more accessible.

Sources: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/23/well/mind/teens-thc-cannabis.html

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