October 5, 2024

Pinchers and Bubbles

Creative Writing

Pinchers and Bubbles

By: Boya Hu

My friend, Sarah, and I play this game every day at school with our water bottles, Pinchers and Bubbles. We stick stickers on our bottles and act them out. The stickers come from our book fair, which sells books, stickers, pens, eraser putties, and more. Sarah acts Pinchers and I act Bubbles. Bubbles is a little silly sometimes and Pinchers is very clever. There are also other characters, like Snowman and Reindeer, who are both erasers.

“Can I have an ice drink? Please,” begs Snowman, who only eats sweet-iced stuff.

“No, Snowman. You just took your pill, remember? If you drink one, you will get sick again.’’ Reindeer says. Reindeer was taking care of Snowman while he was sick.

“Please Reindeer. I will give you carrots if you do. Big ones. Like super big.’’ pleaded Snowman.

“Sorry, Snowman.” said Goldie who had listened to this conversation. Goldie is Bubbles’ daughter. “I can give you an ice drink if you give me heaps of candy.” replied Goldie after a moment. She loved candy.

“Goldie, your room is already stuffed with candy wrappers. It is like a pile of trash already. Plus, Bubbles told you to clean up your room.” Snowman said.

“I don’t care. All I want is candy. ‘’ yelled Goldie.

‘’Goldie! You need to do your homework! Come down this instance!’’ called Bubbles.

‘’Fine!’’ Goldie screamed back. “At least I can make Glory do my homework.’’ whispered Goldie to herself. Glory is Goldie’s younger sister, who is smarter than Goldie because Goldie was held back . Now, she is only in 3rd grade, while Glory is in 7th grade!

“Glory, come here for a sec.” whispers Goldie.

“Coming, Goldie’’ says Glory. When Glory arrives, Goldie tells Glory to do all the homework. While she does the homework Goldie sits on a pile of dirty candy wrappers and reads a comic book.

‘’Uhm, Goldie do you also want me to do your overdue work?’’ asked Glory.

‘’Why not, you are free this afternoon, right?’’ replied Goldie.

‘’Yes, I am free’’ said Glory rushing to do the work. After a while, Goldie asks Glory if she could have Glory’s Halloween candy, since it had only been a day since Halloween.

“Sure’’ answers Glory.

‘’All right!’’ cries Goldie rushing to Glory’s room. Goldie had spent the entire afternoon eating candy and reading comics.

“Glory, you done yet?’’ asks Goldie. “Mom is going to come home soon.’’

“I’m done!’’ replies Glory. ‘’Good Job’’ says Goldie.

Blup, Blup bloops the doorbell.“Mom’s home!’’ calls Goldie.

“Where is your homework?’’ asks Bubbles. ‘’Here!’’ yells Goldie.

“You finished everything! Including the overdue ones!’’ exclaimed Bubbles.

Goldie whispers a thank you to Glory. Glory whispers “You’re welcome,” back. Suddenly, the doorbell bloops.

“Hi!’’ says Pinchers.

“Oh, Hi.” says Goldie, who does not like people disturbing her.

‘“I brought you a gift.’’ Pinchers says.

“Oh, thanks!’’ says Bubbles.

They open the gift. ‘’Wow, all our favorite stuff!’’ exclaimed Goldie. She picks up a hand full of candy, unwraps them and stuffs them in her mouth.

“Shells! Wow, I’ve always wanted a collection of shells!’’ yells Glory.

‘’That is beautiful.” says Bubbles. Bubbles got a set of paintings that were painted by her favorite artist. Our bell rings, it’s time to go back into the classroom. We say goodbye to each other as we enter the classroom.

Bubbles and Pinchers have, and will have, many adventures. They are best friends and so are Sarah and I.

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